Saturday, December 15, 2007


December is a busy time with Christmas parties and year end deadlines. With a lot already going on, I figured a roving, virtual Christmas gatherering was for the best. After meeting at my house for Wheat Chile, the Gladiator Van and Six Revelers made its way to three local brew houses with holiday beer: Sockeye Brewery, Highlands Hollow, and Table Rock Brew Pub. Additional friends met us at each stop, including for a viewing of the award for "Most Festive"---a silver Christmas Tree.

The High Point of the evening was also on the drive home when the whole van sang along to The Bare-Naked-Ladies version of "I saw three ships come sailing in, on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day......."

Special thanks to Derek, the Designated Driver.

1 comment:

Deiter said...

Fun stuff Boyd. Thanks for organizing.